Initial Incident Response

Within LFB, we provide full training on responding to incidents but for transparency, you will find our method below. We prioritise in a certain order to get people to safety, then determine the best way to tackle the fire and then to put the fire out:


We always prioritise evacuate as we are able to call out for people and use specialist tools to be able to extract people from intense situations. Furthermore, it is our responsibility to do our utmost to protect the upstanding citizens of the city.


We assess the ongoing situation and evaluare the nature of the emergency and how best to handle the situation. We should be asking the questions of do we need the police department, assistance from the National Health Service etc. Is there risk to damage of property, what type of fire is it? How do we contain the situation? Is it near any explosives such as fuel stations? Do we need to put up any road closures etc.


From there, we use the assessment to respond to the fire. Join PD/NHS radios asking for assisstance where needed, as well as setting up direct scene control. More of this you can read via Scene Safety and Inter Agency Support.