Call Manager

When answering LFB calls we have a very specific system. When it comes to answering calls we prioritise the call that has been waiting the longest.

We never press the accept button because it removes the call from everyone elses call manager in order to set the waypoint just click on the the call its self. To open the call manager if you are on a 100% keyboard just press the backtick key ` if you are on a 60% keyboard then the current key bind is Fn+ESC.


The call manager itself will show a summary of the city, showing what calls are close and which are the furthest away, as well as additional information such as what type of fire it is, and blips for other members of emergency service factions. Long range blips can be purchased for £5,000,000 from the License Shop at the City hall which will allow you to see all emergency service workers across the city and their current locations. Each faction is shown a different colour and if they are in an unmarked vehicle or in civilian clothing, they should not be approached: